As far as my training goes...all is well in running la la land. Running Buddy had a suggestion this week for our track repeats. Instead of making ourselves dizzy and sick on the the oval of hell....we decided to go to the boardwalk and do the 1200 meters and 800's. It sure did make a HUGE difference mentally...but physically, it still sucked.
Running Buddy and I did a 20 miler yesterday and I learned the lesson of starting conservatively and finishing strong. I actually payed closer attention to my target pace instead of just running for comfort (since I always go out too fast for too long). The target pace was 9 mpm ....and well we hit that pace all the way. However, at the 5k mark I went ahead and did a little negative split and picked it up to an 8:45 pace and finished stronger than I ever have on a long run. I was pretty happy. This was a good week of running. Knock on wood right??
For your viewing pleasure's Wonder Boy's running debut-Hair of the Dog 5K

That is us running side by side (white hoody and purple jacket) next to pajama pants girl..

Here is Wonder Boy at the start. He is all the way to the left in white hoody and burglar mask. I am in the middle with the pink hat on. It was so incredibly cold at the start.

Here I am at the first of 3 Distance Series Tune Up for the Shamrock Marathon. The first one is a 20K but Running Buddy and I tacked on 5 more miles to make it 18 for our long run.
Ok, so the weather report for this week is COLD and more COLD. Oh boy....
I am in awe of so many of you who are running in some of the most brutally cold and snowy conditions. You are my inspiration! Have a wonderful week blogger buds.....
Dang - great great job on the run!!
The more I stare at the track everytime I pass it, the more I'm thinking of trying to do my speedwork on the boards too.
Oy. "My" and "speedwork" typed/looked/sounded just so so wrong.
Great running!
I am looking forward to doing speed work when i start my training for the Broad Street Run next month, but you are starting to scare me into believing that it is a monster from hell!
Nice pics!
Glad your training is going well... boardwalk intervals sound more interesting... but, yeah, I'm sure they still suck. Isn't the boardwalk windy, though??? I HATE running in the wind in the winter.
Good job on the negative split long run. Progression runs are the best way to PR. They work wonders when it comes to race time.
verrrry awesome job on the 20 miler!!! its such a great feeling when you can finish it strong.
great pics!
Nice weblog to visit!.
Goodluck whit the marathon!.
Brr! I'm cold just looking at you!
Good pictures!
You did great on the run, and all the speedwork is paying off.
Me too - I'm in awe of all the people running in REALLY cold weather. I think our low will be in the 30's this weekend. and that's cold for here.
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