Thursday, February 26, 2009

Photo Moments

We are creeping up on the 3 week taper time and oddly, I feel rather calm. Even with my expectations and goals for this upcoming marathon....there is an odd sense of calmness about me. Maybe its after losing Bailey that I have put things in perspective....or maybe I am experiencing delayed onset of marathon nerves....but, I do feel strangely at peace with my running and my expectations for the Shamrock Marathon.

With that being said, thought I might post some pictures from the last of the distance series runs. I just love the folks at Triduo here in old Tidewater...they take awesome pictures, get your pictures posted fast and will even take personal shots of you and your buds at the races if you catch up with one of their photographers and ask. 

I call this one "Heh??"

And this one....Could I get any happier??

Seriously, the story behind this lovely photo goes like and Running Buddy and New Runner Friend are coming down a hill and I say "Gee I wonder if the photographer will catch my sistas (aka breasts) bouncing up or down...." and the photographer standing on the side of the road says..."for an extra fee we can fix that!" and we all started laughing...hence the way too happy runner look.

Locked, loaded and ready to run....always keeping my goal pace in mind.

Running Buddy and I have been doing less runs together these days as we have grown apart a little in our distances and paces during these last few weeks. Plus, I haven't been much of a good partner since Bailey died. Running less with my partner feels like a loss to me. And it's just astounding to me how losing the most unconditional love I have ever known (my dog) has knocked me down. Last night, I was thinking how a part of my heart died with Bailey and a piece of me has gone with him. I hate coming home to an empty house and it always brings tears to my eyes.

Thanks to Sam I Am who commented the great quote about grieving being like the the ebbing and flowing and coming of the waves....that really struck me. Thanks Sam...

This weekend is my last 20 mile run before the marathon. Oddly, Im looking forward to the challenge of the 8:40 min. per mile pace I am supposed to do ....but the aint lookin' so good as a coastal storm approaches. I will post a report on Sunday.

TGIF friends!


Kelly said...

20miles at 8:40 pace? Best of luck!

The Laminator said...

Good luck with your last 20 miler before the big dance. If the weather sucks, take it easy. No need to push the pace on the last long one. Good one!

joyRuN said...

Awesome pics, girl!! Love the "Heh??" pic :)

Good luck & have fun with the 20 this weekend.

Amy said...

Hahahah! That "Eh" pic is hilarious! Good luck with the 20 miler... and hopefully the "calm" will stay with you... I usually don't start freaking out till the week of. I hate that last week taper. Ugh.

Felice Devine said...

Good luck with the last 20! You look great in your pics.

Seems like you are starting to feel a little better. That's good.

Jen said...

I love those pics!! :)
I think we are twins too from your comment on my blog. Very much alike...seperated at birth perhaps?? I would love to meet you in person someday.
How is the puppy hunt coming?

Breadcrumb Runner said...

I love the naming of your photos! It always is interesting to see what they look like...especially because the pictures tend to highlight random moments when one is less-than-beautiful lol. :)

My favorite is the "Could I get any happier?"! It brings a smile to my face.

Aron said...

great pics!!!

hope the last 20 miler went well and HAPPY TAPER TIME!!! you are going to have an amazing marathon... love the feeling of calm too - that is a great feeling to have!

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