But tonight IT betrayed my trust.
I should have known something was wrong. Even charged up this weekend, Saturday it did something TOTALLY do wacky do. It was showing me 17 miles, and no more than 2 minutes into a walk....the stupid thing shot to 20 miles. HA! How funny is that?!
Running Buddy and I only wished it could have been true. That was completely strange.
But I chalked it up to cloudy skies and some trees. Tonight again, the skies were cloudy and I was on a route with some trees. And right on cue.....the GPS blimps off and on losing its signal. I figured it would just "catch up" with itself.
It just lies...that's what it does. It lies to you and makes you think you are going S-L-O-W-E-R than you think when you are giving your absolute all.
I knew the lies were on when I got to a point on my route when I KNEW I had gone at least 7 miles (I was on a 10 mile tempo run tonight). Then, I finally hit the 8 mile mark sweating and breathing hard, quads a burnin' and the time says 1 hr and 15 min. I knew that couldn't possibly be my pace. BUT....I did do 45 miles on the bike yesterday and well....just maybe the legs are tired and I'm feeling more tired than usual.
But when it blinked mile 9 and I was coming up on an hour and a half, I just knew it couldn't be true.....IT HAD TO BE A LIE.
So, I cranked it up fast and hard on that last mile and came in at 1 hr. 28 min and 13 sec. And I was pooped.....and the GPS said 8:49 mpm. I couldn't believe I was just under a 9 mpm pace considering my effort the whole way. IT HAD TO BE A LIE. I know what a 9 min. mile feels like.
The compulsive freak in me decided to DRIVE the route. I had to know the truth.
I packed the Golden Retriever in the car and drove out my 10 mile route.
And the GPS LIED. I ran 11 miles.
Son of a bitch......
And I ran 11 miles in under an hour and a half. BOO HAAA!!!!!
I looked up the pace and low and behold.....8 min per mile. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!
But I'm so sad and hurt....and it might be time for a divorce. I can't be playing these games with the electronic equipment. The last piece of electronic equipment to die was my ipod about a week ago. Now....GPS seems to be on its last leg too. I think the sweat and rain and elements are finally taking its toll.
Soooo, should I replace it with the "new" and very attractive Garmin GPS that looks more like a watch?? I just don't have that kind of money. But I'm such a slave to the pace and distance. I hate running the same route over and over. I want the flexibility of just going anywhere and having a GPS to tell me miles. And pace which has so become my obsession.
But....I need the truth. I can't live without the truth. NO MORE LIES........

That pic is HILARIOUS!
So sorry for the betrayal. If it helps, I got my 305 on eBay for under $150. The 405's pretty, but people have complained about the touch bezel doodad being too sensitive - apparently you can't sweat on it - LOL!
I was going to say the same thing as runJoy. I'd pass on the 405's for now. Plus you can get the 205's and 305's for much cheaper. I believe Amazon has them for $194 (305) and $143 (205) with free shipping.
Bastard!! He will definitely have to earn your trust back ;-)
I love my 305 and hubby loves his 205, too. Good luck!
Ha ha ha, I have the same love relationship with my Nike Plus, and am super jealous of your Garmin! :) Good luck with it, I recently had the Nike+ lying to me problem as well, I know the pain of a good friend letting you down!
Really struggling here to get my blog in the system-keeps diappearing-can't read those upside-down letters-Hey I am a SENIOR-Senior eye sight!!
Having trouble with my Polar-showing erradic HR's-must be that time of year!!!
Looking for a new Garmin ?? BD just around the corner!!!
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