Here is a new analogy for my love of track workouts....electric shock treatment. Yup, that's what it felt like on Friday. You all probably think I'm some sort of nut.....track beast, track monster and now electric shock therapy. I wonder how many negative terms I can come up with during this training cycle.
1000m @ 4:16 TIMES 5...ugh..
#1 4:10 opps....I couldn't seem to get it right the first time on the track and I felt like I just had the shit shocked out of me....ZAAAPPPP
#2 4:21 now that's more like it but I thought for SURE I was going to yak....had to bend over.
#3 4:16 NAILED it....with another wave of yakage....
#4 4:22 I couldn't hold on but I didn't feel like puking....maybe not pushing hard enough??
#5 4:22 I was toast.... literally
Sort of Accomplished
I'm not unhappy with my results because I did work my ass off and it wore me out so bad I went home and took a huge nap. Yipes....
Yesterday was a gorgeous day and a scheduled 20 mile run and I had my first fight with Running. Yes, I got SO mad I swear I teared up. I could not BELIEVE my GPS for one thing....when I got to mile 18 I felt like I really should have been on mile 19 and my legs were screaming for me to PLEASE stop. It was very frustrating and honestly I felt very emotional. I just couldn't push my legs to go a little faster on the last 2 miles. I was so mad but so glad to be done.
Results: 20 miles @ 8:55 total time 2:58
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was exceptional as always and I am so grateful for the love of my family, Wonder Boy and all the things we have in our lives. I couldn't be more blessed.
The New Year looms....and I have been thinking A LOT about where I was in my running this time last year. Whoa.....that will be a post in itself.
Next week is Hair of the Dog 5K on New Year's Day and Wonder Boy and I will run together. Then, Saturday the local Distance Series Tune up begins for the Shamrock Marathon. Good stuff to look forward to!!!
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!