Ok, so the picture is a bit dramatic, but this is my mental image of track days.....facing a beast.
Gawd....track is ROUGH. I just can't seem to embrace the work that needs to be done. I'm like a whiney baby that doesn't want to go to school.
I procrastinated this one bad this week and ended up having to do my pukepeats the day after a 17 mile run. Yes friends, I did 17 miles yesterday with Running Buddy and I REALLY don't recommend hard track work after a seriously long run. Most experts would probably agree.
So here are the highlights:
-First track location.....CLOSED FOR REPAIRS...and flooded from this morning's rain. Uh oh...here's your chance to bail out!!!
-2nd track location.....lookin' good BUT DOORS ARE LOCKED. Damn.....here's another chance to bag this run.
-Nope....just climb the fence...no one will see you fall on your ass with your backpack strapped to your back as you attempt a 5 foot drop.
15 min warm up (6 laps)
1200m @ 5:10 (actual time was 5:08)
1000m @ 4:16 (4:10 almost vomitted in my mouth on this lap...the horror.....)
800m @ 3:23 (3:27 oops ....went too hard on the last repeat)
600m @ 2:31 (2:20 YES!)
400m @ 1:39 (1:39...nailed it to the second)
10 min cool down (5 laps)
I was one happy mother to spit in the face of that track beast. I get such a rush of confidence when I hit all the track target times. But it doesn't last because I always come back to the track scared and nervous I will fail. Then I will be all pissed with myself.
I watched The Biggest Loser the other night (the finale) and the winner, Michelle, had a GREAT statement about her commitment to weight loss...she said "you just have to surrender yourself to the process." Well, she is right...in order for me to get faster, I have to surrender to the process it takes to GET faster. It just has to be.
I am going to whine and bitch about track for the next 14 weeks. But I know in the end...it will all pay off.
I drove away from the track smiling from ear to ear as the beast wandered off into the setting sun. I won the battle today.
I logged some big miles this week. I also got some crud from the petri dish that is my job....and I have had no voice for the last 3 days. Not good for a speech therapist. I am officially off for 2 weeks and I am looking forward to some non-rushed workouts and runs in the sunlight. Next weekend is my first 20 miler of this training cycle and I am PUMPED!
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Nice job facing the beast. I like the idea of just surrendering yourself to the speed work. I guess it is like that with a lot of things. If you give in rather than fighting it, it goes better. I need to remember that!
You're running a 20 miler already and you have 14 weeks to go? You are a beast!
Geez you really KILLED that beast! You're so fast :) I think I did my first 800 in the time you did your 1200.
Hahahaha pukepeats. I love that.
Great job... definitely inspiring me to get out there and slay the beast as well...
I didn't *mean* to laugh when you fell the 5 feet...but (you know the rest).
And your track beast has a twin living in Iowa -- the treadmill beast. Despite my best efforts to cover him up with clothes and books, your success slaying the track beast has inspired me to face mine head-on! (Did I mention it's still -5 here?)
Oh gosh, my relationship with the track. I dread it all day...all week even, I dread it during the run. But when it's all over, and you hit your times, you feel awesome.
VERY NICE job on beating that track monster! Seriously, you should be proud. That's a lot of track, too. I remember those awesome feelings after track work. It's a great feeling.
Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas!!
Very nice!!!
I meant to tell you that I have a black Xterra too- 2005. Do you love yours?
Also, I have a friend that lives in Va Beach...she's an ARNP.
Awesome job!!
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