All I can say about yesterday's track run is *Blech* I should have just bagged that workout because my heart wasn't in it. I don't know why I dread the track so bad but I just do. Joy put it best when she compared it to Dante's Circles of Hell....apparently...if I read it correctly on Wikipidia....this is a divine comedy divide into 3 parts, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Well, if that doesn't describe track work than I don't know what else does...
First, you enter the circle of Hell.....running your ass off for 8oo meters or more (after a warm up) just hurts like HELL.
Second, you enter the circle of Purgatory.....running your ass off 4-8 MORE times for 800 meters puts you in a painful place of temporary punishment getting ready for the final step....
Paradise or Heaven.....isn't it heaven when you are finally finished with all that hell??
My track work continues to follow the FIRST plan for a BQ marathon finish. So, the prescription for this week's track included 4 x 800m for 3:23 min with 2 min rest intervals.
To add insult to injury the track was FLOODED as a result of some seriously torrential downpours we had the day before so the 2 back corners of the track were impassable and required a 10 second walk through the slushy, sloppy, muddy grass (which dirtied up my shoes!! Grr....)
Running Buddy saw the ugly mean side of my rude ass....which in turn will probably guarantee me a 15 mile long run by myself tomorrow...I deserve it for my poor behavior yesterday. I pouted like a baby because I was so not motivated. The running was challenging and the track was just plain flooded which interrupted the flow of my pace. I just wasn't happy.
So blech.....I think I may try to join the local running group on Tuesday nights for track work. Maybe if there is a group of people plodding along....I will feel more motivated to get the work done.
The rest of the running story continues......have a great weekend blogger friends!~
Aww, that sucks! I am glad you made it though! I have a cold right now, but if I am feeling better, on Tuesday night I am joining a local club at the track to see how I like it. I agree, I think it would be easier with several others!!
you've been to hell and back...welcome to "heaven"...at least til your next track workout. I think I might put a track workout onto the schedule for today, so I'll be empathizing and thinking of you...or maybe I'll just take a rest day :)
Hey... at least you got out there. The water sucks.. you can't do much about that.
I have to find a track around me... the closest high school keeps theirs locked up tighter than fort knox.
Keep Running!
That's a good idea to run hell circles with others. Misery lurvs company :)
Haha I like your track analogy and I agree!
Oh gosh! Yes, track workouts is hell. I hated them when I did them early last year, and haven't done them in quite a while. I know it will help, but I just havent' went there. 800's are the worst too, at least for me.
You'll meet your goal, I'm sure. The FIRST plan has got to be one of the best plans, and I'm not just saying that because it was invented here in G'ville. :-)
I LOVE those nasty fast runs! And a flooded track? That sucks! But not as bad as having to shovel a track! Yep, you heard right. Check it out:
You make track workouts sound so much fun...now see, if you were able to do it on my RLFST...it wouldn't be. I'll order one for you if I ever run into Santa!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice work on those 800s.
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