Ok, what a treat...yesterday was my birthday AND Thanksgiving......so it was certainly a day of being grateful. I am very grateful for so many things in my life and yesterday was an awesome day to reflect on how good my life is and I was able to rest my head on my pillow last night feeling very satisfied that I am one lucky chica for having all the things I have in my life.
Anyway, I found this funny clip from Cheers called The Kelly Song....and well I'm not so diva like Kelly was on Cheers...but I love me a good song with my name in it! Anyway..it IS my birthday....and it IS all about "me!" Right?? Whatev......
Yesterday started off with a killer Turkey Trot 10K in which I PR'd big time. It was such a fun run. I met up with a few folks from our local runner meet up group and the weather couldn't have been more perfect and the route is flat and fast too so it was just right for me to get some indication of how strong I am post marathon.....and well lets just stay I surprised myself completely.
ME and The local runner group

I actually started the race off a bit too fast.....I latched on to this group of runners wearing bright orange T-shirts....some team I suppose, but they were movin' and scootin'. After I passed the 2 mile marker and saw 15 flat minutes on my watch I knew I was not in good company so I slowed up a bit.....my lungs were starting to burn a little along with my shins. It was a good warm up though! I knew there was no way on earth I could hold 7:30 mpms for the whole 10K.
The race went on well despite my quick start....mile 4 was 30 min even on my watch and then I found 2 ladies who were running a good comfortable pace and I followed them to mile 6. My watch showed 46 min and some odd seconds......so it was on to the last .2 which I tried desperately to speed up on....and I got a little nauseous from the pace and when I crossed the mat and through the finish line shoot....someone else must have felt the same way as me because there was a nice pile of puke to hurdle over...and I felt the urge to gag....it was scary.
My finish time was 47 min and 40 seconds......that is about 5 min off my best 10K time. It was an average 7:40 mpm. Holy moly. I'll tell ya what...I feel like a different runner since OBX. I have NEVER been a very good runner....but things are really starting to change and I am cautiously optimistic for my Shamrock training. My new mantra is to "make or break" the 3:50 BQ time for my age. We'll see......
Anyway, after the race I piddled around the house and then headed to my mom's for some seriously sinful feasting. To say my stomach was full and I was uncomfortable is putting it mildly. I had the food baby going on big time. I fell asleep on the couch with my mom's miniature pinchers at least half a dozen times....and then around 11 pm I hobbled my fat ass on home.
I had a great birthday.....Running Buddy hooked me up with cake and a cool new PINK gear bag.....my dad sent some cashola and a cool new PINK hat....my mom hooked me up with some itunes gift cards and a cool new PINK Nintendo DS...(the kid in me still loves a good toy to play with)...and Wonder Boy got me a stand for my fish tank. All in all it was just a great day.
And hell no...I ain't going quietly into my 40's....I have a half marathon coming up tomorrow and its an inaugural event....always a favorite of mine to do the "first" of anything!!!
Here is a shot of the goods from yesterday.....blessed is what I am. Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!
Happy Birthday, Kelly!!!!! I'm raising a beer over here to you, your awesome fastness, a 10K PR, a great HM tomorrow, AND, your BQ coming up :)
Cheers, girl!
Great 10K you speedy girl, and Happy Birthday to you!!
Hey! Happy Birthday (a day late)! I love all the pink stuff you got...and the chocolate cupcakes. Who could ask for more??? All the best for the coming year.
WOW! You are speedy AND sneaky!! (How could you just sneak your birthday in like that...with no notice or anything?) CONGRATS and happy birthday!!!
Oh, and I TOTALLY remember the Kelly song!! So great -- I think that's when my crush on Woody Harrelson solidified.
A birthday and a PR? What more can a gal want? Way to go!
Happy Birthday and congrats on the PR! 5 minutes off your previous 10k time? Wow. That's awesome!
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