What a great day and awesome race the Fleetweek 1/2 Marathon was!! Honestly, I couldn't have prayed harder for the amazing weather conditions and flat route. It made a PR that much easier to obtain.
The day started out like every race Running Buddy and I go to together. She came to my house just a few minutes late and had just gotten up as usual. It was a bit cool in the morning with a breeze but otherwise, perfect conditions for running.
We got there in plenty of time to warm up, walk around, make one last potty stop and get a good spot at the start line.
So the big decision for me was which pace group to follow. I chickened out of the 1:45 pace group and went with the 1:52. I guess I was just too afraid of starting the race at an 8 min mile. I think it might have been too much for me to handle. Part of me says I could have done it, but I don't think it would have been a very pretty ending.
There were a few familiar faces in the 1:52 pace group and that was good too.
Running Buddy got into the 2:oo hour pace group. She has been fighting funk all week but is much better this weekend than last with just some lung chunks and loose nasal drips. I'm still trying to teach her the fine art of dry blowing......
I have to admit I got choked up leaving her behind in the 2:00 hour pace group. It was very hard not running with her but she completely talked me out of letting me go slower with her. For me, it's all about the camaraderie and friendship. But Running Buddy sees it a bit differently and well, we just ran our own paces and I'm finally ok with that.
The 8:25 mpm was EXTREMELY comfortable for me. I had no trouble keeping up, breathing or pacing. It just felt so easy. One of the group leaders started to get a bit ahead of that pace and I stayed with her. Then the other leaders yelled for her to slow down. And she did.....and I kept going. And at that point, I was no longer with the pace group.
I was on my own.
Not that I was afraid, but I had to be VERY aware of my speed. I wasn't wearing Garmin so I had to do the stupid math in my head with just my watch.
I had no trouble pacing myself at all for the whole race.
I did get a bit of a belly ache around mile 9 when I took some water. I got a little nervous that maybe the water had some funk in it. My belly ache started to get my attention and I thought to myself......"how could I be nauseous after being hungry at the start line??"
Then I burped.
And it was all good.
Oh, and I got a stupid blister too. It felt like a rock at first. Then I knew after about 10 min I was working a blister.
At mile 10, I decided to kick it up. My split was an 8:14 mpm after a steady tempo of 8:24.
I finished the race in 1:49:53. My age group place was 6th out of 60 women. I couldn't be happier.
And....I am so happy with my training up to this point for the Outer Banks. So far, it's all falling into place.
And as far as my Running Buddy goes.....its a shout out to her....she is FINALLY starting to show some awesome progress and I am so encouraged for Outer Banks and Shamrock in March. Lately, we have been having some tough runs.
Running Buddy went out too fast in the beginning and started to slow after mile 10. She learned a lesson. But overall, girlfriend finished in 1:59. The goal was 2 hours. I'm one proud partner....and one very blessed friend to have such a great running pal.
The Fleetweek 1/2 Marathon continues to be one of my local favorites. There is nothing more humbling and inspiring then running past the huge air craft carriers parked up on the docks at the Naval Base. It's so amazing and so beautiful.
Tomorrow, Running Buddy and I will do a recovery run and then I hope to sit down and plan out the last 2 weeks of real running before taper madness begins!
That is an AWESOME time! Sounds like you ran a smart race.
Glad that burp worked out for ya ;)
SHUT UP!!! You're freekin awesome chica! Very nice time! ;D ;D
Hey girl
Ur hanging in there-great running program
Don't see "wonder Boy" in ur blogs
What is dry blowing???
AWESOME!!! You're such a great runner and friend :-) Running Buddy did awesome, too!!!
Glad the burp helped ;-)
Nice finish. I'm with you on the whole doing math in my head by my watch. So annoying! :) Glad the burp helped your tum
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