First, let me say how SUWEET it is to sleep in. The 5:30 wake up time for work is a killer. So, when I get to stay in that wonderful heaven called THE BED until 8 snuggled with the stinky Golden Retriever....it's all good.
I just realized I haven't blogged all week.
My life is boring.
The running is good and I am only 3 weeks to *taper madness*. I actually went social last night and ran with a group of local folks (mostly dudes) for a 4 mile recovery run and then we stopped at a local beach watering hole for a beer. That was a huge treat for me and a major milestone because #1....I'm socially retarded and #2....I am always intimidated running with dudes....especially young ones.
I am pretty sore and tired this weekend from the massive amount of miles I have accumulated in the last 2 weeks. I ran 20 milers for the last 2 weekends with Running Buddy and had two 10 mile mid week runs. I totalled 58 miles in the ol' Asics last week and this week I pulled off another 7:50 mpm 9 mile tempo run. I do feel some tightness in my hamstrings and soreness in the left hip....SURPRISE! Yeah Yeah, I know...I am backing down big time this week. I do have the 1/2 marathon to consider next Sunday so it's going to be all about biking but still running with fewer miles next week. Gotta freshin' up!
Ok, I'm posting these pictures only so I can give my blogger buds a good laugh. The Neptune 8k photo finish shots are the worst pictures EVAR. They are so bad they almost deserve some kind of trashy award. Here they is:
I call this one WHAT'S THAT SMELL??!!

Do I look like a man?
Ok, a little better but SHEESH! What kind of facial expression is going on?

Really, its the rain
I am really getting excited for the Fleetweek 1/2 marathon and I can't decide if I want to try to get in the 1:45 pace group. That means an 8 mpm run for 13 miles and not ONE SECOND slower. I'm afraid if I get in that group and I can't hang on I will hate myself.
Oh the pressure!
The jury is still out on the East Coast. Have a fantab weekend friends!
I don't think you look bad! It just looks like you're working hard! LOL
Who needs race photos when you have an AG award?!!!
And Marcy's right - you look like you're working hard. Better than me looking like I'm about to pull out some ballet move ;)
I'm with Marcy!! You were working it!!!
Found my way over from Lily's. Very cool blog.
Those photos aren't that bad at all. Of course, I'm just glad they didn't get pictures of me at the very end of the Flagstaff Trail Marathon when I was hypothermic and suffering from altitude sickness. Yuck!
Sounds like you are very well prepared for the marathon. Enjoy the taper.
I think you look like a hardcore runner!!
Ah, go for the faster pace. You do well under pressure ;-)
Those pics do make me laugh, but you look like you are owning out there! nice work!
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