Once again, I am reminded of the true and pure definition of perseverance. Running Buddy and I did a training run today after school. Of course my aging mind screwed up what was on the calendar. I thought it was just the 8 mile pace run with Running Buddy to set the speed. Oh no, "it's track today Kel...." Aw darn. But Running Buddy shifted gears this afternoon despite my haggling to just "go ahead and hit the track" (I HATE TRACK). We started our run semi-slow for us at about 9:30 min per mile. I FORCED myself to keep my lips shut and not shout out "pick it up girl...you can go faster...etc" I also FORCED myself to stay about 5 paces behind Running Buddy so that she wouldn't feel forced to keep up. Sure enough....it worked. By the 2.5 mile mark, I suddenly feel a slight surge and off goes Running Buddy.....8:30 mpm is what GPS is saying. And not just for the brief moment that I look at it. It's an 8:30 mpm for about 3 miles. It was all I could do to not jump up and down. I really couldn't contain myself...I whooped a few times (nerd). Anyway, I feel the progress and I think Running Buddy does too. The 8 mile run ended at about 1:10. We picked up the pace on the last 2.5 miles and we were probably final kicking around 8:00 mpm. It was a great run and we are well on our way to getting a good pace for our next marathon. I'm encouraged and inspired. So here's my motivational quote for tonight as I learn lessons on this journey from the running itself but from my Running Buddy too, as she perseveres EVERY time we hit the road.....
To succeed, we must have the will to succeed, we must have stamina, determination, backbone, perseverance, self-reliance, and faith. - B.C. Forbes
Track work is tomorrow and "no please I don't wanna, I don't wanna!!!" Yes, it is my weakness and Running Buddy's favorite. So, I need more than a freakin' carrot to motivate me! Maybe I can convince my pal to dangle some chocolate!

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