Off I went for the run, GPS and ipod all cookin'. I try really hard not to look at my pace/time at least for the first 2 miles of my runs and just go by feel, but when I got to mile 1.7 I had to look and I was at 14:55.....I was feeling good and digging it. I went 3.5 more miles without looking. When I got within minutes of my house, I looked and the GPS time was 45 min. So I cranked up the pace and decided to just make the run a 10K. Well, I went to 6.2 and I felt good all the way...not tired and I didn't really have to concentrate. When I looked at the GPS pace it said 8:30mpm!! Yipee skippy man!!! I am finally getting my "comfortable" pace at a sub 9 min. mile. I'm moving up!
So then I'm so pumped and full of gusto...I grab the TT bike which I call "Old Speedy" and I cranked out a 20 mile ride at 20.5 mph with very little effort. I didn't get hungry and my legs did not feel like crap. Now, I realize it WAS reverse brick...but it still did not hurt as bad as it normally does.
After my epic effort, I'm wondering what the HELL did I eat to get that kind of energy? It sure wasn't the oatmeal, bananas and strawberries I had for breakfast or the coffee. I have that every day. Then I thought about the depressive manic state I was in yesterday and the demonic hunger I experienced. The only thing that would calm the demonic hunger cravings was the multiple servings of Edy's Slow Churn Yogurt Blend ice cream (cappuccino chip) and Captain Crunch cereal which I couldn't get enough of (by the way, it IS my drug of choice). Hmmm.......maybe THAT wicked carbo load yesterday gave me Wonder Woman strength!
Tomorrow starts a new training week and I have to go into work for one day. We don't "officially" go back to school as teachers until August 25th, but our school system is a little quirky with its requirements. So I have a one week window of time to put in "8 hours" of professional development time before I "officially" go back. WhatEVAR........
This week is actually a "fall back" week on my marathon training plan....so no real long run or at least what I would consider a long run. So I think I will try to concentrate on some swimming in addition to my runs this week. It's gonna be a bit more hot than it normally has been and there is of course tropical storm "Fay" churning out in the ocean. I have the ECSC (East Coast Surfing Championship) 5k on Saturday. Hopefully it won't rain...but I say BRING IT ON...if it does...I will just scarf up my ice cream and Captain "crack berries" and bust a move!
1 comment:
you REALLY are Wonder Woman. It's nice having such a strong girl to look up to... and HEY so what if I'm only 25!!!! :)
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