I did go on another bike ride today after work. I did an easy 30 miler on Black Beauty and she actually behaved today. Still, there seems to be some grinding noises coming from the bottom bracket but its a brand new bike and my trusty mechanic says "oh everything perfect inside there....." Umm hmmm....I aint imagining this shit. Something is going on around the crank on the left side. I can hear it and feel it. The only bad thing is, that it usually only gets going after I have been riding for an hour and more so when I really have to mash the pedals or stand up for a sprint. Oh well....I'm just going to take it back this week and beg and plead the mechanics to LOOK AGAIN!
Ok, here are some shots from this weekend's ECSC 5k. I'm posting the "drool/spit" shots. Of course you can't actually see the spit/drool...but that's what was goin' down on the final kick!
DROOL..... MORE DROOL........


Well, school started today. Actually it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be in my head Sunday night. It never really is that bad is it? I told my mom...it's just the anticipation of "getting started." Otherwise, it was a rather uneventful but productive day.
I even managed to leave work on time, get home for some grub and a quick nap before my workouts. It's going to take some getting used to cramming all my training in after work. I'm way too comfortable having time to eat, sleep and train. My other issue is the eating thing. I'm still trying to figure out how to space out the fuel during the work day for my runs and workouts after school. Oh the challenges. The new mantra is a quote from Larry the Cable Guy...when it comes to sticking to the training plans and such it's going to be "JUST Git ER DONE!'
Tomorrow will be a nice steady pace 8 mile run that I will be making Running Buddy lead. I really want to get an idea of what her "hard but comfortable" pace is. I think I go out too fast for her on some of these runs and she is toast by mile 7 or 8. Anyway, we shall see. The weather will cooperate tomorrow so there should be no issues. Stay tuned......
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