Ok, Running Buddy has REALLY gotten me hooked on the color pink. Yup, it's her favorite color and although I wouldnt call it my favorite color....it sure is symbolic to me as Running Buddy and I venture forth on our running endeavors. I think to me, the color pink has always symbolized "girliness" something I never really was growing up. All the froofy girls with make up and pretty hair always adored pink when I was in school. I suppose I never really cared much about color or clothes or matching or make up. I still don't, even at age 40. You should see how I dress sometimes...SHEESH....
But running and biking has done something to my overall image. Really, when you run or bike, there isnt much "prettiness" going on with all that sweating and hair sticking to your face and snot running from your nose, boogers and just the general ickiness of the well.....sweating and smelling like a man!! There's the dirt and the grime......and you just don't feel so pretty. But wear some pink and WHAMO....ya feel like a girl! That's right! Nothing like feeling pretty and powerful all at the same time. So, I'm embracing my inner pinkness....and Im starting to collect a nice ensemble of pink things such as this cute little package:
Cute running skirt, bra and ipod holder with pink personalized Polar water bottle
Hells bells.....I even drink pink stuff
This was not intentional...but even both Ol' Speedy and Black Beauty have pink pedals
So, here is to my pink and powerful Running Buddy who has brought out the pink lady in me! It's all good stuff.
Speaking of Running Buddy.....we had a hard 11 mile run today. I think that progress is just too slow for my friend. I totally understand too. We are both trying to shave time off our running pace and it's very hard to be patient with your progress when all you want to do is get faster right at the moment. The summer has been a bit of a challenge for my partner as she doesn't do too well in the heat. The heat and pace have aggravated runner's trots in her and its about to make her a looney running freak. At first, its just annoying. Then it just turns her angry....all the stopping we have to do when all Running Buddy wants to do is run and run fast and furious. Today, she thought she might turn into this after the first few rounds of stomach cramps:

It was very frustrating. I'm helpless too as there is really nothing either of us can do until the temps cool off a bit more in the fall. I think the combination of dehydration and intensity is more than her digestive system can handle. It's been going on all summer. But I watched her closely as we ran through the miles today and I really thought she looked like this:

That's right, Blossom, that cute little pink PowerPuff Girl. Running Buddy might be too young to remember these cute little super heros. I got a little choked up today when I thought about how wickedly hard this young woman has worked since her first marathon in March. I would have quit by now with all the little issues she has dealt with this summer. And today when the trots (aka "poop monster") appeared I thought she sucked up pretty damn good and Blossom looked just like this:

Especially after I suggested we pick the pace up to just under 9 mpm for the last 5k after she had just experienced some stomach rumblings. What a trooper.....pretty AND powerful in pink and that's why I love having her as my Running Buddy!
1 comment:
We ARE the Pink Ladies! Pretty AND Powerful!!! This blog definitely made me ready to go kick some booty! :) Thank you for all of your patience and motivation... as usual! :)
p.s. I am totally cyber stalking your blog!
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