Well, I had another amazing run tonight. Again, just like yesterday, I only wanted to do an easy run this time 7 miles. I got a late start tonight because I had to go to work today. It put my body in shock being at work so when I got home I was starving and then I had to take a nap. Whoa.....not used to working! I got myself together around 6:30 and when I went for the ipod (aka "happy place") it was dead as a door nail. Thankfully, it charges quickly. So I just set it on the charger and waited 30 min. I did a warm up jaunt up the street and some drills and then headed out the door. I took it nice and easy again just going by how I "felt." I got to my 1.7 mile mark and again JUST like yesterday the GPS time read 14:55. I knew I was on my mark. I kept the pace up all the way through 3.5 miles feeling absolutely strong the whole way. So at 3.5, I decided to go ahead and do a negative split. I just ran a little faster but not to the point of death. I never did get tired. I felt a little bit of the twinge on my right side from the stupid butt pain...but not enough for me to perseverate on it. I felt strong for the entire final 3.5 miles. I clocked in at 57 min on the second for 7 miles. The GPS pace read 8:09 mpm. Even better than yesterday. Wow....all I can say is WTF??? Im not sure but I think the track work and speed sessions plus all the bike cross training is REALLY starting to pay off big time. I'm feeling slightly more confident that an 8:30 mpm pace might be soon my comfort pace. Wow....that would certainly be ideal. Tonight, I felt like ROAD RUNNER!!! BEEP BEEP!!!!
School sucked. Basically, I spent my time cleaning and talking. Yuck....how utterly nonproductive. How utterly disgusting my room was. School buildings have to be the most horrifyingly filthy places on the planet short of a dumpster. I'm certain that if you were to take some "cultures" of the junk that lives around, behind and under some of the furniture you would find several new and undiscovered diseases. It's amazing teachers can keep their rooms as clean as they do. All I can say is yuck...
I'm not sure if I should cross train tomorrow on the bike or just run and swim. I know I need to swim. I only have just a few more days to do that at my leisure. Once school starts, it will be hard to get out in the ocean. Oh the dread....time to use my mental strategies!
Way to go Road Runner. Consecutive good run days are great. Just a matter of time before you get that BQ time.
I'm so proud of you... I just can't wait to meet you at the 8 minute mile.
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