"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives....."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009

This picture pretty much sums up how my run went yesterday. I didn't exactly puke....but my stomach didnt feel too well.
I had planed to do my long run of about 10 miles yesterday but the weather has been awful this weekend. I was staring at the radar all morning looking for a window of opportunity to get the run in before the next down pour.
Finally, late in the afternoon I gave up eyeballing the computer and geared up for my run. After the first 2 miles, it started to pour down rain.
After 3 miles, my right earbud to my ipod quit. And its still pouring and now Im soaked. I decided not to go 10 miles but maybe just 5.
But the rain stopped and I had one working earbud. I decided to go 7.
After 4.5 miles I get a stomach cramp....and my shoes feel like brick sponges. It starts pouring again and my ipod quit.
After 5.2 miles, I have a cramp in my stomach so bad I have to stop. Am I actually getting runner's trots?? I NEVER get runner's trots!
I start to run after the cramp subsides. It starts pouring down rain again. I see another runner with his dog at mile 5.8 and he says "Sure does feel good doesn't it??" Right....
I hit 6 miles and now Im praying that I can make it home without having an accident because the cramps are really killing me and my legs hurt and I'm sick of it all.
Mile 7 and I stop. But...Im still about .30 miles from home. I walk. I walk the walk of survival because I know that if I dont get to the house soon....well.....Im gonna have my first ever accident.
I get to the house and make it to the potty wet self and all......
It was the suckiest most awful run ever. And its raining still today....and I didn't get to redeem myself.
Ok, it's time for a running make over. I went out and bought a roller for my sore hamstrings and glutes. I'm going to eliminate the junky junk food, get more protein in my diet, hit the gym at least once a week and ride my bike. Something has gotta give here because my running has gone down hill since the marathon.
I'm going to shoot for the Elizabeth River Run 8K next weekend and kick off a new season of training! Hope everyone had a restful and DRY weekend ;-)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
This is basically what has been consuming the majority of my time and energy. This new little bundle of joy.
Brody the golden boy is officially 12 weeks old but we are on our 4th week together and as puppy raising goes....all has gone well.
The only thing is that he is SPOILED rotten. Even Bailey didn't get the kind of treatment Brody gets.
Brody already sleeps with me and goes EVERYWHERE in the truck with me.
Unfortunately, I don't have children.....really it was not because I never wanted kids...but I spent many years in a relationship I should have gotten out of. I made a series of bad relationship choices and now I'm in my 40's with the perfect man....but it's very questionable on whether well will have kids. A bit risky at my age.....
Long story short.....my maternal instincts have all been dumped on this puppy so I speak like a googly dumb new mommy in this video and I swear I treat him and talk about him like he was a 2 year old human!
Well, running has really been tough since Shamrock...and not for lack of motivation but damn! It hurts like hell right now! I'm so frustrated too because it just doesn't seem to want to let up. I feel like maybe its just knotted up muscles in my butt....that's where all the pain is. My knees, calves and quads are all fine. Just my butt.....ooooh....its so sore still!! I have been getting plenty of rest too.....um slept and fought allergies for the majority of my spring break.
So, I bagged the 1/2 marathon last weekend and pussed out of a 10K I was signed up for today. I'm just not up to it. Its pitiful.....
The weather has turned around on the East Coast FINALLY and I'm going to shift gears and start riding my bike.
I need to work on a running goal....I'm a little lost right now with out a goal.
Until then.....my time and energies go here-
A rescued soul....who rescued mine......
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Better Late then Never.....

So, again here is my story in all it's glory and the lessons I learned.
As far as marathons go.....the "day" itself could not have been more perfect. The temps were in the mid 40's to start and the skies were clear and blue....there was absolutely no wind. So, weather was never ever a factor.
Nerves, however, were....
I got to the start line with Running Buddy so full of nerves, I could have lit up the entire city of Virginia Beach....
And it all started a week prior to the race.
If you have kept up with my blog, you would know that I had lost my beloved pet companion "Bailey" in January....and I was on a list of potential "adoptive" parents for a puppy from a litter rescued from a puppy farm just an hour outside of were I live. I was on pins and needles to even know if I had been approved to adopt.
Marathon weekend was more than just about the marathon....it was about the puppy, trying to qualify for Boston....and of course my year long running journey with my running companion....Running Buddy, who was also looking to PR her 2nd marathon.
So, you can imagine the mental wreck I was at the start line.
Time marched on....and the gun went off.
I had made the decision to stay in between the 3:40 and 3:50 pace group....which in the end bit me in the ass.
First of all, the 3:50 pacer started off WAY too fast....like at an 8:15 pace for the first 5k. It scared me and about a half dozen others in the group. But, luckily, the lead guy realized his speed and slowed drastically which pushed me about 30 sec. ahead of the group overall by the first 10K.
And that is where I stayed for the entire run.....until.....mile 22.

This is officially, where my race and fight for the BQ time began.
Friends....for all of the first 21 miles, I was in an awesome place.....felt good, strong, confident and steady. I was on my own, but I stayed within a reasonable pace.
But, by mile 22, I had to start praying. I wouldn't say I "hit the wall" like I did in Outer Banks. I felt ok, tired, but cardio wise, I felt ok. Muscles....well the fight was on. I got a nasty, gnarly and wicked unfamiliar cramp in my right calf. Weird....but painful....

And it slowed me down. It never stopped me....but it slowed me down on the last 4 miles.
Those last 4 miles were a fight for my life....literally, a fight for my BQ time.

I have NEVER, pushed and struggled so hard and worked through the worst "charlie horse" in my LIFE!!!
I used to think that people who got "charlie horse" cramps were crazy...and there I was...on the last 4 miles with a wicked Charlie Horse cramp.
I struggled and used mental strategies as the 3:50 pace group started closing the gap on me.....closer and closer....mile 24, mile 25 and that group was breathing down my back and my cramp was bringing tears to my eyes. I had not one second to stop, stretch, or catch my breath.....literally, I had to speed up.
The 3:50 group caught me and passed me on the 26th mile.
Has it been said that the marathon has been won or lost on the .2 mile? Because mine was WON on that .2 mile.....

But really 3:40:09.....because my chip time and start time are the same and I did NOT start with the gun.
I only had 19 seconds to spare to qualify for Boston....
And although I'm proud and happy....it was WAY too close for comfort.
My training efforts payed off....and despite the emotional loss of my golden retriever pet of 10 years mid way through my training cycle....I pushed through.....with the love and dedication of a good running partner, boyfriend and mother/best friend....I met my goal and qualified for the Boston Marathon.
Running Buddy still asks me to this VERY day....."do you feel like a different runner now??" and I say...."no....not really..." still I feel very humble.
But....today.....3 weeks later, recovered, stronger and happier...yeah....I do feel like a different runner...and person....
Because, I found strength in me that I NEVER thought existed.
It would have been so easy to quit after I put Bailey to sleep.....
But I didn't.
It would have been so easy to quit after I felt so weak...so tired.....and SOOO sad.....
But I didn't....
And I won...
I won the greatest honor a runner can achieve...
I qualified for the Boston Marathon...
A 41 year old woman...
who only ever ran to lose weight...stay in shape...and stay healthy.....
The dream came true...
And a stronger runner, more motivated person....more grateful individual had been born.
Man....did I learn some life lessons.
Live every day like its your last....sounds so cliche' dear friends....and I used to think I was the poster child of appreciating every moment until my dog died. He was all I had.....then I had nothing. And I didn't know how to go on.
Run every run like it could be your last......
You never know when you can't or won't be able to.
Dig deep into your soul...you are always..... ALWAYS....stronger than you think you are and you can endure more pain than you think you can when your dream is on the line.

Am I a different runner now??? As my Running Buddy would ask....and who by the way PR'd by an ENTIRE HOUR (thanks to my special training and dedication to her dream!) and finished 4:14 ( last year her time was 5:12)
HELL FUCKIN' YEAH I feel different now! I'm goin' to BOSTON BABY!!!!!
But still, there is a humbleness about me....and a deep appreciation for my own strength...and for the powers above...
Because not only did I did make the Boston time.....but I was ALSO blessed with a golden retriever puppy marathon weekend.
I am very happy and satisfied with all the work and efforts......
I am blessed...
Thank you blogger friends for all of your kind comments and thoughts through my journey...
More great things to come!
Next weekend....well.....another half marathon I hope to PR by at least one minute!
Stay tuned!!
Toodles from the East Coast!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Two words.....
It wasn't easy and it was close....3:50:09...thank goodness they take up to :59 seconds past the qualifying time. That was the hardest race EVER.
Running Buddy made me this T-Shirt.....and I can't wait to crack open the champagne tomorrow with her! Right now, its all about the beer and the relief. Full race report tomorrow as I have taken the day off from work! It was an interesting race.....
Thanks for all the kind comments and support friends!!! It sure is nice to be a part of such a tight nit community of runners!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
One Deep Breath
I can't believe that tomorrow is almost here....as in tomorrow I will be running my 7th marathon. This time, it's not about "just finishing" but about racing. I have never in my life "raced" a marathon but this time it's real. I'm still a little on the fence about my pace but I'm shooting for an 8:40 mpm which should bring me in just under the 3:50 finish time I need for Boston.
To say I'm nervous is putting it so mildly that it's almost not worth mentioning.
I went to the expo yesterday to get my number and chip and of course do a little frivolous spending....by the way I found a very cute podium jacket with the Shamrock logo.....makes me feel "elite" Ha!
Anyway, as I was wandering around the expo with purchases in hand, I came across a vendor who was selling t-shirts that said "One Deep Breath" and in an oval surrounding the saying are some other motivating quotes such as "keep life simple, enjoy every moment" etc. Well, it certainly caught my eye as I have been sweating and sitting on pins and needles all week.
Is it really that simple to just take "one deep breath"?
Yes, it really IS that simple to take one deep breath today.....because each time I do, I feel just a little more relaxed and a little less stressed and it reminds me to just breathe and enjoy. It will be what it is....no matter what I do.
So, a few mantras to take with me tomorrow.....thank you to the Laminator and Frayed Laces for "Don't Deny Your Awesomeness" and I will remind myself at the start and throughout the race to take "One Deep Breath."
It has been one HELL of a journey since my running of the Shamrock last year at this time with my Running Buddy who is also stressing and nervous. I realized just how much I have been through emotionally and physically and I know in my heart I am a much stronger woman for it.
So, here I go ready or not!!! And the weather?? P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!! Upper 40's at the start, mid 50's near the end and FULL ON SUNSHINE with very little wind.
Here are some random pictures of my family....me, Wonder Boy (at the Hair of the Dog 5K) and Bailey (just before he passed away)....enjoy and send the good marathon vibes blogger buds!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Hardcore defined

This weekend, I may have discovered one element that can define one as a hardcore runner......freezing rain. Yes, running in the freezing rain. I suffered through weather conditions that would send most normal minded people onto their couch all day with a good movie or book.
I'm not sure the word "miserable" does me justice when I describe how I felt running my 20 miler in the rain on Saturday.
The forecast was for a coastal storm to start creeping up through the Carolinas this weekend and it all began Saturday morning. I got awake to darkening skies....and Running Buddy and I both had our last long run scheduled for that morning. We had not planned to run together, but we both knew the impending conditions. Neither of us wanted to suffer alone. So after a few texts and some last minute planning, we made it out to the official starting point of the Shamrock Marathon ready to simulate 20 miles on the course. As soon as I picked Running Buddy up, the rain started.
Luckily for us, it was an easy start with the wind to our backs and we were both pretty well layered (another plug for that very cool Nike jacket I bought a while back). We made it about 9 miles until we hit the boardwalk into the wind and that's when the misery started.
The wind must have been blowing 10-15 mph steady with gusts up to 20 and the rain was beating us to death. We ran about 20 streets up the boardwalk and exited onto the trolley lane heading to the north end. That was around mile 12. By this time, things were starting to get really tough.
Running Buddy and I trudged up towards the north end in blustery wind driven rain. By mile 14, we were soaked, tired and hungry so we stopped to eat. More trouble began as we tried to start back up and my Running Buddy got panicked over being cold and wet. She says "Kelly! I'm miserable!" We really didn't have much further to go and we were not far from the car on the turn around, so, after asking "What would YOU do??"....Running Buddy put on the tough girl panties and made it all the way to the turn around with a potty break near the end.
So, what defines us as hardcore runners? Probably more adverse conditions than I could list in my post. I know that my Running Buddy has suffered through major bouts of trots and hydration issues and now she has learned to brave the elements. She is becoming hardcore.
But I realized something about myself on that miserable run on Sunday....3 hours in 40 degree temps with wind and rain. I discovered that I have strengthened my ability to endure pain and misery. I guess you just do as a result of running which inflicts some pain on you most of the time. But the will to go on when the conditions just SUCK.....that's strength I never thought I had.
So, I like to think that yeah, I'm a bit crazy and obsessed in my running....but I've become a little more hardcore.
Miserable highlights:
1. Major boob burn from a soaking wet bra that has now turned into a dry scab ouch
2. Hands so cold from wet gloves, I started to see stars
3. Hallucinated a port a john that actually turned out to be a transit bus...hell they were the same color.
4. Drymax socks WORK! Hey, the socks were soaked and I swear it never felt like it.
5. The Nike Jacket stayed dry for about 15 miles...but then it was a wet rag.
6. My Nike Livestrong capris beaded the rain the entire 20 miles and ended up winning the "driest piece of clothing" award from yours truly.
7. The mind can talk the body into anything the heart has the will to do.....just believe in the run. (That's my feeble attempt to get all deep and philosophical)
So, that's the story in all its glory....time for taper!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Photo Moments
We are creeping up on the 3 week taper time and oddly, I feel rather calm. Even with my expectations and goals for this upcoming marathon....there is an odd sense of calmness about me. Maybe its after losing Bailey that I have put things in perspective....or maybe I am experiencing delayed onset of marathon nerves....but, I do feel strangely at peace with my running and my expectations for the Shamrock Marathon.

With that being said, thought I might post some pictures from the last of the distance series runs. I just love the folks at Triduo here in old Tidewater...they take awesome pictures, get your pictures posted fast and will even take personal shots of you and your buds at the races if you catch up with one of their photographers and ask.
I call this one "Heh??"

And this one....Could I get any happier??

Seriously, the story behind this lovely photo goes like this....me and Running Buddy and New Runner Friend are coming down a hill and I say "Gee I wonder if the photographer will catch my sistas (aka breasts) bouncing up or down...." and the photographer standing on the side of the road says..."for an extra fee we can fix that!" and we all started laughing...hence the way too happy runner look.
Locked, loaded and ready to run....always keeping my goal pace in mind.

Running Buddy and I have been doing less runs together these days as we have grown apart a little in our distances and paces during these last few weeks. Plus, I haven't been much of a good partner since Bailey died. Running less with my partner feels like a loss to me. And it's just astounding to me how losing the most unconditional love I have ever known (my dog) has knocked me down. Last night, I was thinking how a part of my heart died with Bailey and a piece of me has gone with him. I hate coming home to an empty house and it always brings tears to my eyes.
Thanks to Sam I Am who commented the great quote about grieving being like the ocean...like the ebbing and flowing and coming of the waves....that really struck me. Thanks Sam...
This weekend is my last 20 mile run before the marathon. Oddly, Im looking forward to the challenge of the 8:40 min. per mile pace I am supposed to do ....but the weather...it aint lookin' so good as a coastal storm approaches. I will post a report on Sunday.
TGIF friends!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Coming out of the dark

I think I may be coming around the bend on this whole grieving process. I still miss Bailey like crazy...but I don't seem to cry as often. Only when certain things pop up and sometimes it still hurts to come home to an empty house.
I did have an interview last week with the South Eastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue group to see if I would be a good candidate to adopt a puppy from a litter that was born 3 weeks ago. There were 70 golden retrievers rescued from a puppy mill in Suffolk Virginia about a month ago. The story is sad ....but I think I may be able to give one of those goldens a good home. It just might be what I need to heal my heart.
I have still been running and I think it's getting a little bit better. I don't dread it as much and I don't get as emotional. It's been the longest and hardest 3 weeks of running and to top it off....I hurt my right knee a little bit at the last distance series....so I have been battling a bit of an injury. To top that one off....I caught my third round of the funk. No surprises there though...we had an epidemic flu outbreak at my school where 10% of our kids were out all in one day not to mention all the teachers including Running Buddy who got the stomach flu version. I just have the upper respiratory annoying stuff. To top of Running Buddy's woes...she fell hard like I did when Bailey died. That's a true friend....one that grieves right by your side.
We finished the last of the Tidewater Distance Series tune ups today. It was a 30k.....Running Buddy and I started together but she dropped back around mile 10 to about a 9 minute mile while I kept up the 8:30 with another runner who was pacing us.
Today's run was a success and morale booster. We averaged 8:36 for the 30K. The route was hilly and long so I feel good about today's pace. I haven't been doing any track repeats because of my knee but I have kept up with all the long runs and the mid week tempos. Last Saturday, I finished a 20 miler at 8:40...so I haven't lost too much considering I cut back miles and have missed 3 weeks of track repeats. It's all still up in the air.
Thanks to all my blogger friends who were so compassionate in your comments regarding my dog Bailey. He meant the world to me and my life hasn't been the same since he died. But I am so grateful for all the kind comments and prayers. Hope you all are having great runs and races and I should be back in action before too long. Only one more week to taper madness!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Golden Angel in Heaven
I am experiencing one of the darkest days of my life right now....my beautiful golden retriever Bailey was put to sleep a week ago today. He was 2 months shy of his 10th birthday.
I can not even put into words the amount of grief and despair I am going through right now. It has been an all out effort to get out of bed in the morning and go to work. Thank goodness for the wonderful friends I am blessed to work with.
Bailey was everything to me. He was every aspect of my life. He was the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing thing I saw before I drifted off to sleep. He entered my life as a young pup....and I was just entering my 30's. He saw me through my worst relationship breakup, the move into a new house....and countless hours of laughter, tears and walks on the beach.
My life is empty without him right now and I can only describe myself as an empty shell of who I was before he died.
It was very sudden, although he had a tumor in his heart that was probably there for a long time. But last Sunday night, he woke very early in the morning....and began to slip away.
The lesson I learned was a very hard and painful one. Although it sounds incredibly cliche', I did learn in the most horrific and sickening way, that every day is precious and you should live it like it was your last.
Because if I had only known.....it was my last night with my dog, that it would be the last walk, the last romp in the back yard and the last swim in the ocean.....well, I would pray that time would have stopped.....so that I could soak in every moment and savor it like I would never taste it again. I wasn't ready for Bailey to go....as if anyone is ever ready to lose something they love so dearly.....but maybe, just maybe, I would have appreciated the little moments with my dog more.
Because I would give my soul.....for just one more walk on the beach with him.
Running hasn't shown me much sympathy....and I have struggled to stay on my routine. I continue to struggle but make myself do what I know heals my soul. For now, I prefer to be alone in my running......for the sake of my partner...I try to run alone. Lord knows I'm not much company....but all I have left now...is my running. It gets me through those sad moments.
Only 6 more weeks until the marathon...and my desire to qualify for Boston seems to have faded with the passing of my dog. I'm just going to give myself some time....and I hope to get back in the game soon.
I am thinking of you my friends and hoping you all are having good runs and races.....and remember to treat every run.....and every day as if it were your last.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Past, Present.....Future

Seems like lately on several of my runs....I am constantly thinking about how my running has changed from this time last year to now. My transformation from then to now still amazes me and I still can't believe I made it this far.
I was checking on my Garmin downloads from last year at this time when I was again...training for the Shamrock Marathon. My paces and results are vastly different:
1/12/08 7 miles 1:06 9:31 mpm
1/15/08 8 miles 1:16 9:30 mpm
1/18/08 8 miles 1:14 9:18 mpm
1/12/09 7 miles 58 min 8:16 mpm
1/17/09 13.1 miles 1:51 8:30 mpm
1/18/09 7 miles 57 min 8:10 mpm
In just one year, I am running much stronger and way faster. Those past 9+ minutes per mile were my fastest and hardest of the entire training cycle. As I look farther into my training last year, I see the times get slower.....like 10 minutes plus. I don't even want to post my long run paces. Eeks...
So, its a big plug for the speed work. That has been a major help for me.
As for my future pace.....well......I'm hoping for my BQ pace of 8:45 or better. Time will tell....
This was a crazy COLD week of running. Man.....it tested my will for sure and THANK GOODNESS for Running Buddy....if wasn't for the fact that she was just as willing to suck it up as I was, I would have pussed out for sure.
Wednesday started the arctic blast with temps barely making it into the 30's. Running Buddy and I did a mid week long run of 9 miles at a pace of 8:40. Thursday was speed work on the boardwalk. We were on for 6x800 meters @ 3:23. Well, temps were right at 30 degrees with a a very very stiff north wind. We started in the north direction for the first 3 repeats and that almost killed us both. Our repeat times were not good......3:25, 3:40, 3:45. Then we turned around into the wind for the last 3 and came much closer to target....3:23, 3:24, 3:25. Not bad considering how cold and zapped we both were.
Friday, we did a 6 mile recovery run after school with the temps only in the 20's. Saturday we did our long run of 13 miles at a target pace of 8:30 mpm. It was terribly cold again.....22 degrees at the start. But the pace warmed us quickly and we were hot messes at the end. I am so proud of my partner for really holding a pace she never thought she could.
Today, it snowed on my 7 miler.....it was so wonderful. It didn't stick of course, but it sure was pretty to see nickel sized flakes falling on me as I zoomed through the 'hood!
Stay warm friends and congratulations to all the marathoners this weekend!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Playing Catch Up
Boy did this first week back at work fly by. It was mostly uneventful and busy....but we are on the honeymoon period with the kids at school. I was surprised at how attentive and ready they were to learn last week. Yup...honeymoon period.

As far as my training goes...all is well in running la la land. Running Buddy had a suggestion this week for our track repeats. Instead of making ourselves dizzy and sick on the the oval of hell....we decided to go to the boardwalk and do the 1200 meters and 800's. It sure did make a HUGE difference mentally...but physically, it still sucked.
Running Buddy and I did a 20 miler yesterday and I learned the lesson of starting conservatively and finishing strong. I actually payed closer attention to my target pace instead of just running for comfort (since I always go out too fast for too long). The target pace was 9 mpm ....and well we hit that pace all the way. However, at the 5k mark I went ahead and did a little negative split and picked it up to an 8:45 pace and finished stronger than I ever have on a long run. I was pretty happy. This was a good week of running. Knock on wood right??
For your viewing pleasure .....it's Wonder Boy's running debut-Hair of the Dog 5K

That is us running side by side (white hoody and purple jacket) next to pajama pants girl..

Here is Wonder Boy at the start. He is all the way to the left in white hoody and burglar mask. I am in the middle with the pink hat on. It was so incredibly cold at the start.

Here I am at the first of 3 Distance Series Tune Up for the Shamrock Marathon. The first one is a 20K but Running Buddy and I tacked on 5 more miles to make it 18 for our long run.
Ok, so the weather report for this week is COLD and more COLD. Oh boy....
I am in awe of so many of you who are running in some of the most brutally cold and snowy conditions. You are my inspiration! Have a wonderful week blogger buds.....
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Runner I Never Thought I Could Be
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Marathon 2002
Ok, it's well past New Year's but Happy New Year friends and sorry for my absence! I must admit that I'm not much of a party person, so Wonder Boy and I just stayed up late and watched movies as 2009 slowly crept in for us.
I'm not much for resolutions either. I've tried that in the past and I forget them one week later. What I do have a tendency to do is look backward instead of forward. Bad habit...but in this case....this year...looking back has been quiet an experience.
This has been one amazing year of running......and all I can say is that in looking back over the years....I have finally become the runner I never thought I could be.
The picture at the top of this post is of my very first marathon 6 years ago. It took me 4 hours and 45 minutes to finish and I thought for sure I was dieing a slow painful death. I had no training plan and never knew for one minute of any mile EXACTLY how far I was going. I just thought...hey...run 3 hours and you're ready for the marathon. HA!
The running years following that marathon were nothing special.....just few and far between races. I completed 5 more marathons all with just wanting to "finish." That is all I ever expected of myself because that is all I ever believed I could do....just finish....because in most endeavors throughout my life.....I quit.

Outer Banks Marathon 2008
Flash forward to the year 2008...when I ran a marathon with a friend of mine from work who has now become known as "Running Buddy." Everything changed....and I became a runner with a purpose....and the purpose was to not just finish....but to beat every marathon time I had ever achieved. And I did it.
And now.....in the new year of 2009.....I reflect on what kind of runner I was....slow....without purpose...weak.....scared.....no confidence. The runner I am now.....faster.....with a purpose and specific goal, strong, still scared....eh.....maybe not so confident but much better than before!
I am so grateful for my running in 2008....I was sad in that aspect to see the year pass. My running in 2008 certainly taught me how to hold my head a little higher.
As far as the achievements in 2008? Well a bucket load of PR's and accumulated miles that total over 1,400. I went from running slow 10-10:30 min miles at best this same time last year to running 8-8:30 min miles with a smile on my face. As far as running goes...it just don't get better than that!
On that note...I will end with a brief update:
-Track work last week....OMG. The wind gusts on the track were up to 20 mph and I was pounding out 1600 meter repeats x3 @ 7 min per 'peat. Ok, first one yeah....second and third I was off by about 5-6 seconds. I blame the gusts.
-Long Run this weekend....thank goodness Running Buddy came back from her 2 week hiatus at home in PA. We ran 18 miles together at a challenging pace of 9 mpm.
-Today's tempo run.....fantastic.....Running Buddy and I busted out 7:50 min per mile on our 5 mile tempo run. The track beast is giving me the gift of strength. Honestly, it's starting to pay off.
-I am hanging tough on the FIRST plan for a Boston BQ. I have challenged myself to the 3:40 finishing time plan although I only need 3:50. So far so good. We shall see.
Have a great week friends. I will post a few pictures this week of The Hair of the Dog 5K on New Year's Day.....Wonder Boy's debut 5K and pictures of the Tidewater Striders Distance Series 20K tune up for the Shamrock I did with Running Buddy....
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